The form of this grade K-1 700 Student Elementary School is a direct response to the site on which its rests. The location of the building reinforces the campus green, which is the primary organizing element of the district building campus.
Specifically, the classroom wing fronts the “green” and holds the northern edge of the assemblage. The hinged entrance component of the new building is on axis with the primary vehicular access to the district complex and gestures toward that entrance with a Library element which soars above the entrance plane. Public parking and bus access are tucked along the north side of the building in order to reinforce the “green” to the South. Three dimensionally, the hierarchy of the building functions is mediated by the hinged entry piece. Classroom facilities are organized along the southern edge of this hinge piece, while shared use facilities such as the multi purpose room are to the north. This hierarchy is also manifested in the materiality of the building forms. Masonry construction with punched openings is contrasted with terra cotta cladding and extensive glazing systems at the hinged element.